Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Examine the Key Factors Influencing

Examine the key factors influencing inclusive teaching and learning Inclusive teaching means recognising, accommodating and meeting the learning needs of all students, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability or sexual orientation. This starts with acknowledging that students are members of diverse communities, have a range of individual learning needs, and deserve equal opportunity to access the learning experience. Applying inclusive learning is increasingly important in our diverse society and education should reflect, promote and facilitate this. For example, there are more and more disabled people entering education nowadays than there used to be: an inclusive environment must ensure that they are equally valued and accepted and that their efforts to learn are recognised and judged without bias. Traditional teaching holds that students with diverse needs be placed in the general education setting only once they can meet traditional academic expectations.Inclusive education, on the other hand, celebrate people’s diversity and brings all students together in one classroom, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and seeks to maximize the potential of all of them by encouraging and using their different backgrounds and knowledge to broaden the learning experience. In order to create an effective inclusive learning environment we must overcome barriers that might stop lea rners getting the best from their learning experience. Barriers to learning are problems or situations that  prevent learners from accessing programs,  going to class, concentrating and learning. Intrinsic barriers of learning are located within the learner, hence of an intrinsic nature, and can be physical, sensory, physiological or intellectual. For example not knowing, or not being comfortable with, the rest of the class could constitute a barrier. Icebreakers could be used in this instance to encourage learners to talk to us, to each other and to the group as a whole. Similarly climate setters can be used to promote learning related to session objectives; this is particularly important as people can be intimidated in a situation where they are asked to come up with ideas. Intrinsic barriers of learning are located within the learner, hence of an intrinsic nature, and can be physical, sensory, physiological or intellectual. For example not knowing, or not being comfortable with, the rest of the class could constitute a barrier. Icebreakers could be used in this instance to encourage learners to talk to us, to each other and to the group as a whole. Similarly climate setters can be used to promote learning related to session objectives; this is particularly important as people can be intimidated in a situation where they are asked to come up with ideas.Hence the tutor needs to create an environment where students feel comfortable to express themselves. Learners may also face extrinsic barriers, related to the environment they live, work and study in. Issues with family relationships, social support, employment and financial matters provide some such examples. It’s very important to motivate learners in order for them to get the most out of their classes. To motivate a learner we must first understand what motivates them and teach to their particular strengths and weaknesses.Sometimes we may have to match teaching approaches to their learning styles and provide support to those who need it. Other times we may have to use energizers to challenge the class or refocus learners’ attention, e. g. after a long period of concentration or after a break. Also, encouraging friendly competition could provide motivational challenges for all of them. Most of all, we need to give them constructive feedback to encourage personal improvement. One theory we can be refer to for motivational purposes is Maslow’s pyramid of needs.According to his pyramid we must feel that we are satisfied with our physiological needs before we can think of getting a roof. Having the feeling of being secure motivates us to seek love. Once we have accomplished the need for belongingness then we seek a better future which motivates us to set goals an d achieve something honourable in life. Once we have accomplished a settled life with love and respect, we might then look to reach our full potential. To ensure all students gain the most from their learning, consideration must be based on the particular learning style and objectives for each individual.An initial assessment of the students can be carried out for this purpose and then use a mixture of two or more styles and a range of different approaches to meet the needs of individuals and groups. Typical teaching methods fall into three categories: * Teacher-led: this is where the tutor transmits ideas, information and skills via lectures or presentations; * Participative: this involves interaction which allows knowledge and experience to be shared between the teacher and the learners; * Learner centred: this is where learners explore and discover by themselves, either on their own or in small collaborative groups.Benjamin Bloom provided the theory of Taxonomy to help tutors cho ose the appropriate teaching method. He made a classification of learning objectives that educators set for students in order to create a more holistic form of education. Bloom’s Taxonomy divides educational objectives into Cognitive, Affective and Psycho Motor domains. Skills in the cognitive domain revolve around knowledge, comprehension and critical thinking on a particular topic; traditional education tends to emphasize the skills in this domain and uses methods like lectures, small group work and problem solving tasks.Skills in the affective domain describe the way people react emotionally and their awareness to other people’s joy or pain; teaching methods in this domain might include discussion, case studies, role play and simulation. Finally, skills in the psychomotor domain describe the ability to physically manipulate a tool or instrument; typical teaching methods in this domain will include demonstration, individual practice and coaching. A tutor must also de vise a programme of strategies to cater for the specific needs of their own specialism. This relates to the arrangements we make to get the class discuss particular aspects of the subject.Depending on specialism we can have discussions in pairs or in small groups. If the class is not too big we can also get the whole group work together and bounce ideas off each other. We could also take this one step further and consider if the class could benefit from group project work rather than individual project work. In that respect, Bruce Tuckman's theory on stages of group development comes to our aid in understanding and assessing students in a group effort. This theory has gained a great deal of popularity and suggested that for a group to achieve maximum effectiveness it needs to move through four stages.These are: * Forming: at this first stage the team is new and the members are unfamiliar with each other. Each seeks group acceptance with caution, and conflict is avoided. * Storming:   at this stage different ideas compete for consideration and the he team addresses issues such as what problems they are really supposed to solve. Team members open up to each other and confront each other's ideas and perspectives. * Norming: here the team manages to agree on common goals and comes to a mutual plan for achieving them.Some may have to give up their own ideas and agree with others in order to make the team function. * Performing: by this stage members are motivated and knowledgeable and the team functions as a unit in order to achieve agreed goals. Many long-standing teams go through these cycles many times as they react to changing circumstances. For example, a change in leadership may cause the team to revert to  storming  as the new people challenge the existing norms and dynamics of the team. Another important aspect of inclusive learning is the resources we use.It’s vital that these are carefully selected so as to reflect and meet the needs of all l earners. If resources fail to do this they will create barriers to learning and disadvantage some individuals in the group. There is a wide range of resources that can be used but here is a selection that may meet learners’ needs: * Powerpoint: this is a vital resource when delivering information and, if used in the correct manner, can appeal to all learning styles. For example they can provide the basis for teaching other activities and can be left up at all time to remind students of their aims and objectives. Picture Cards: these are good visual resource and can support the topic being taught. They are particularly useful in multicultural environments and can be adapted easily in order to make them inclusive. * Films: appeal to all learning styles and abilities as they create a relaxed environment and can offer real life situations that can't be created in the classroom setting. Films also have a way of explaining different points of view in an alternative way. Moreover, t hey can act as an assessment method to check the learners have understood what has been shown. Case Studies: this is a powerful resource that stimulates learners to understand and critique how a subject is applied in the real world. * Quiz: this is a fun and interactive resource that can be tailored to different learning styles and ability levels. Other examples of resources include handouts and books to study and discuss theoretical aspects of the subject; computers, software and hi-tech equipment for hands-on experience of ICT subjects; and of course writing boards and flip charts to create on-the-spot diagrams and workflows and to have the whole class participate and interact.We also need to provide opportunities for learners to practice their literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills. This can be achieved by embedding functional skills. Functional skills are practical skills in English, information ; communication technology, and mathematics. Allowing for these transferable sk ills to be included in our teaching will enable individuals to work confidently, effectively and independently in life. For example, facilitating contribution to discussions and working in groups will enable learners to develop literacy skills which they will then be able to use in their everyday lives.Also, coursework assessments and reflective learning logs constitute effective method of encouraging learners to use written skills. Also, we can encourage Maths skills by using for example number games, and ICT skills by including computer-led teaching and assessments. In organizing a class it’s increasingly important to establish ground rules with learners in order to adhere to minimum necessary conditions for getting learning work done in the class and promote respect for each other.The setting down of ground rules at the start of the course gives structure and guidance to the group ensuring that the people’s beliefs and wants are taken into account and the course can run productively within the set rules. Though there is no definitive list for all classes it is an essential exercise to think through what we want on the list. Typical ground rules may  include items like arriving on time, respecting health and safety regulations, switching off mobile phones, respecting other people's contributions and not interrupting fellow-students.Usually, ground rules are teacher imposed but learners can make valuable contributions and sometimes there can be room for negotiation. Obviously, the majority of the ground rules cannot be negotiated but getting the learners to aid in the setting of the rules puts the ounce on them to adhere to them more. Moreover, it will make them aware of what will happen should the rules be broken. We also need to create assessment opportunities that meet the needs of learners. Assessment is the process of appraising the learner’s understanding of the subject and also of recording their knowledge, skills and attitudes.I t can focus on individual learners or a group of learners as a whole. It is always best to start any course with an assessment of the students’ prior knowledge so that the tutor can start their teaching at the correct level and can ensure an inclusive teaching method where every learner’s needs are met. There are many methods of assessment depending on specialism. For example in assessing foreign language learning we can use multiple choice exercises, written answers, essay writing, class test, listening and speaking activities, to name but a few.When assessing learners we need to give constructive feedback in order to spur and motivate them to hone their skills. It’s important to tell them when they are doing something well and why, as this will serve as encouragement. However, constructive feedback doesn’t just mean positive feedback. We can give negative feedback too as long as we clearly state what could be improved and why. This means talking first a bout what a learner has done well, then going on to discussing points for improvement and then ending on another positive note.Using this strategy students are motivated by their achievements and evaluate the negative aspect of their feedback in a constructive way to better themselves. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation [ 2 ]. Bloom, B. S. , Engelhart, M. D. , Furst, E. J. , Hill, W. H. , & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals; Handbook I: Cognitive Domain New York, Longmans, Green [ 3 ]. Tuckman, Bruce (1965). â€Å"Developmental sequence in small groups†.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Collective Action Problem Essay

Problem Statement: – Competitors Coca- cola and Pepsi-cola have to decide whether or not to offer discount pricing. Matrix:-    Pepsi – cola    Coca- cola Pricing Strategy Discount price Regular price Discount price $4b,   $2b $8b,   $1b Regular price $2b,   $5b $6b,   $4b * b means billion    Description: – Both companies can choose one outcome by offering a discount price or a regular price. The payoff for each firm depends upon the pricing strategies of both firms.     For coca- cola the worst case scenario is $2 billion payoff when it offers regular prices while Pepsi-Cola charges discount prices. Similarly, for Pepsi- Cola the worst case scenario is $1 billion. Solution: – A dilemma is involved because each party would like to have maximum benefits by offering the discount and hoping that the other doesn’t.   The only secure means both companies have of avoiding meager profits is to offer discount prices. The ideal scenario would have been when both were offering regular price as they would have earned $6 billion (Coca- cola) and $4 billion (Pepsi-Cola). But, it’s difficult to trust each other and thus, they both go for the conservative strategy and settle down for profits of $4 billion and $2 billion for Coca-cola and Pepsi-Cola respectively.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Adolf Hitler Essays (2045 words) - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Fhrer

Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler did not live a very long life, but during his time he caused such a great deal of death and destruction that his actions still have an effect on the world nearly 50 years later. People ask what could've happen to this small sickly boy during his childhood that would've led him do such horrible things? For Adolf it might have been society, rejection from his father, failure as an artist or was he born to hate? Adolf was born in Braunau, Austria in 1889. His father, Alois was a minor customs official, and his mother was a peasant girl. Adolf attended elementary school for four years and entered secondary school at the age of eleven. Adolf's dreams of becoming an artist did not match the government official job his father wanted him to have. These fights over what he wanted to be, lead Adolf to lose interest in getting good grades and dropped out at the age of sixteen. When his father died Adolf roamed the streets of Linz dreaming of his future as an artist. He attended a great deal of operas and loved the musical work by Robert Wagner. At 18, Hitler tried to enter the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna but was rejected twice. His failure put a great deal of frustration on him. He saw himself as an artist who was rejected by "stupid" teachers. Adolf later moved to Vienna to find a way to make a living. Hitler would rather do odd jobs such as shoveling snow, or beating rugs instead of getting a regular job. Since he had no set income he was forced to move into the ghettos and became somewhat of a bum. He finally got a job painting postcards and advertisements. He had little money still, and spent most his time reading and thinking about what he read. While Hitler was in Vienna, he learned things which he later used to destroy the world. He learned that the finest thing for man to do was to conquer foreign countries, and that peace is a bad thing because it makes man weak. He was also convinced that Germans are the master race, even though he himself was Austrian. Hitler also took part in political ideas which were later used in Germany. He believed a political party must know how to use terror. He also discovered the value of appearance in politics. He thought only a man who could attract masses of people by his eloquence could succeed in politics. Hitler later became the greatest public speaker in Europe. In Vienna Hitler also learned of his hatred for Jews. "Wherever I went I began to see Jews, and the more I saw, the more sharply they became distinguished in my eyes from the rest of humanity. I grew sick to the stomach, I began to hate them. I became anti-Semitic."(1) In the spring of 1913 Hitler left for Munich, Germany at the age of 24. He left Vienna to get away from the mixture of races and to escape the military that he had to serve in with Jews. The First World War in 1914 was Hitler's chance to let go of his frustrating childhood. Hitler proved to be a brave soldier and was wounded twice and decorated twice for bravery with the Iron Cross. Hitler, like many other Germans didn't believe they were defeated by Great Britain and the U.S. in 1918. They thought they had been stabbed in the back by the Jewish slackers. After the war Hitler found himself unemployed once again and began looking for a place in politics because he felt he could do something for the country. Shortly after Hitler returned to the army and was assigned to spy on political parties which the generals thought were communist, socialist, or pacifists. Hitler was ordered to investigate a small political group called the German Worker's party. The next day he received an invitation to join the group. He decided after two days of questioning himself that he should join. After enrolling, Hitler later made it the largest political party in Germany, and became known as the Nazi Party. In 1921, the two years after he joined the party, he

Reading discussion on Club Dead Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading discussion on Club Dead - Essay Example He seems to want to be dominant and worries little about offending others. Masculinity? When the store clerk is assaulted, Sookie is quite assertive that she is going to shoot the assaulters. â€Å"You bet your ass I am†, she says. Sookie likes to give off confidence and aggressiveness, but always second-guesses herself and situations that occur. Is this an esteem issue associated with the traditional view of femininity? Eric strokes Sookie’s hair lovingly after she experienced a massive beating. Eric is a bit of a mystery when it comes to giving and giving off, showing both sensitivity and disregard which makes it difficult to characterize his gender performances. Should we be considering that vampires have such a complex life that they must illustrate both masculine-like and feminine-like behaviors to have a positive social life and a quality circle of friends? Something to consider when characterizing what gender actually means to the circle. Sookie does not seem to be comfortable in her own skin and questions the ethics of many different decisions throughout the novel. She clearly wants others to believe that she is strong and independent, but gives off susceptibility in many of her uncontrolled emotional outbursts. She needs to be comforted, a common theme throughout the book, but does not want others to see this sensitivity. As Sookie has evolved through the novel, she never distinctly loses her vulnerability which might point toward an inherent feminine personality under the typical view of this gender. This seems to make her social relationships with men more complicated where there is dominance versus passiveness tensions in Sookie’s relationships. However, the vampires are sensitive to Sookie’s legitimate emotional hyper-sensitivity and seem willing to be passive while she openly copes with her thin-skinned ways. This makes it difficult to classify, from a gender

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Environmental sustainability Journal questions Essay

Environmental sustainability Journal questions - Essay Example Recreation fishing is a relatively recent idea although continues to gain dominance. Commercial fishing, on the contrary is exploitative and deeply rooted since it started long before recreational fishing. Confusion emanates from what is the scale of consideration that separates the two concepts. The extent of diversity to consider when outlining the distinction between the two practices remains a serious conflict. Although commercial fishing entails a high level harvesting of fish species, recreational fishing continue to increase regarding the scale of exploitation of fish species (Cooke & Cowx, 2006). It, therefore, remains confusing to determine the level of exploitation that defines the two concepts. Another conflicting area of consideration is the selection of fish that the two should distinctly have focus. Undefined categories of species that commercial fishing and recreational fishing should concentrate on remains to be a source of conflicting ideas. The technology applied in the two fishing techniques should be different. Conventionally, recreational fishing should not apply technologies that involve high extraction levels. This has not been so though since recreational fishing technologies tend to improve to be more extractive than expected. This is a source of conflict in marine resource conservation. ... Environmental sustainability as a focus of sustainable building entails improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Installation of solar panels in buildings in buildings continues to gain dominance as a sustainable building strategy. Solar panels utilize solar energy. This is a renewable energy source, a factor that renders the use of solar panels efficient as a source of energy in buildings. Sustainability proponents advocate for the adoption of renewable energy sources as contrary to non-renewable sources. Houses with installed solar panels use minimal energy from the main grid since they utilize solar power. Electrical energy converted by the solar panels is useful for heating and running in-house machines. This saves on electricity tapped from the main grid. The effectiveness of energy conversion by solar panels by reduces from the influence of dusts. Detergents used to clean the dust may cause environmental effects. The introduction of panels that have self-cleaning mechanism s also increases the energy efficiency. Besides promoting energy efficiency, self-cleaning panels also reduce the use of cleaning detergents that may have associated environmental effects. The use of solar panels as a source of energy is a move to promote the utilization of renewable energy. Renewable energy use is essential among the various strategies to promote sustainability. Question 6 Sustainable management of waste is vital engagement in promoting sustainability. Waste from minerals and mining industry contribute to a high percentage of wastes. Waste from demolition and construction contribute to a higher pollution of the environment. Municipal waste management strategies are critical as a development area to promote

Saturday, July 27, 2019

In your opinion, what have been or are currently the three (3) Essay

In your opinion, what have been or are currently the three (3) greatest challenges for the United States in translating its mili - Essay Example In the years following its inception the military has always faced a number of challenges ranging from ethical, climatic to financial. The paper seeks to identify three such challenges faced by the U.S. army in the context of two wars. The paper also aims at identifying how far has these challenges translated the political outcomes in case of two specific wars. The Challenges The military capability of the U.S is definitely unmatched by any other state. The wars in which the U.S has been involved as often been as a result of an on the nation itself or as result of clash in opinions. This was evident after the 9/11 attacks when potential threats to the homeland and the measures to counter it were considered in full swing (Challenges to Military Operations in Support of U.S Interests, 2008, p.3). The war with Iraq in 2003 was justified by the Bush government as a measure to protect the homeland because they thought Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait as a potential threat to U.S interests (Knecht, 2010, p.113). On the other hand the involvement of America in the Vietnam War was questioned not only by the rest of the world but also by the American citizens themselves. Critical Thinking There is a domain of reasoned opinion between the world of facts and opinion. Nobody is a perfect decision maker. Numerous cognitive biases distort our judgment, and the heuristics, or mental short cuts, our minds use to deal with complexity can sometimes lead us astray. In addition, we are prone to making errors in logic which lead us to faulty conclusions. Overconfidence may lead us to overestimate the soundness of our judgment. Here logic gets more priority than emotions and both process and outcome are equally important. Reasoned opinion is often a source of discomfort because we fail to understand it and hence sense of evaluation and logic should prevail. In the modern age one has to possess these skill and proper approaches are required to learn. One such approach is critical thi nking which is very crucial. The concept of critical thinking is very important and it also finds an important place in the army. It has become synonymous with military education as it is considered to be an essential tool for operating in a complex and dynamic world (Emilio, 2000, p.4). Critical thinking is important as it helps a person to analyze a situation more analytically and to take the decisions accordingly. It enables a person to be more competitive in dealing with arguments and different situations (Brink-Budgen, 2002, p.16). Such critical thinking becomes crucial in the army also has here decision needs to made not on emotion but logic and this creative approach will enable â€Å"the potential of digitized approach† (Bonn, 2005, 106). Critical thinking refers to improvement of one’s judgment. One might assess the information on a PowerPoint slide in a Pentagon briefing, browse a newspaper article, or take part in a conversation with an Iraqi mayor; critical thinking indicates purposeful cognizant and suitable relevance of thoughtful cynicism (Gerras, 2006, p 12) . Ethics Ethics are basically standards which one should follow and they are based on values. It has become one of the challenges in the U.S army and it is threatening the political stability of the government. The violent combat between human beings has always resulted in the loss of humanity. Morality and ethics in humans were also there in the past and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Application - Essay Example It calls into question the true character and strength of resolve in a person while the journey towards self discovery places him in a position of having to make the tough choices in life. Most of the college students learn to grow up quickly and develop a sense of responsibility that their parents become truly proud of. That is because parents do not really know their children until they have left the family home and been given a chance to truly discover who they are apart from their parents, family, and friends. My journey of self discovery began at the tender age of 16. When I moved to Singapore from Indonesia after graduating from my junior year in high school. I lived independently in Singapore from 2006 to 2009. A total of 3 years wherein I embarked on a unique journey of finding myself and self discovery. Living independently has proven that I am not easily influenced by external and internal factors existing in my life. I was blessed to have experienced living among people of varied cultures and backgrounds who helped me realize the prejudices in the world. Our nationality does now define who we are as a person, we define that through our actions. That is the principle that I have come to develop over time for myself. I am a person who holds true to my own principles and beliefs in righteousness and truth. During the beginning of my journey towards self discovery, I found mostly the negative aspects of myself as a human being. Factors that I knew I disliked and worked hard to change. I knew that keeping those traits would potentially lead me down a path of self destruction. By living independently in Singapore, I began to understand what my true purpose in life was. This journey will be a life long experience. One where I will find the happiness that God meant for me to find in my

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Web Searching as an Important Revenue Source for Various Online Firms Essay

Web Searching as an Important Revenue Source for Various Online Firms - Essay Example In order to assess and highlight the current web browsing trends, the paper compares the performance of different browsers and their individual and market performance as well. This comparison would enable to determine the most effective way to gain digital competitive advantage for Google Chrome. Our goal from the analyzation of these market shares to company perceived value is to be able to finally bring google chrome over the top and make it the number one most used web browser. We are in a position and ready to do this, however, first, we need to better understand what we can gain from this. We will be able to gain a better understanding of our competitors and their reliance on web browsers as a source of revenue for their company. Seeing as web browsers have almost no cost, this seems to be a very effective method of raising profits without raising costs. Since Google has a primarily web-based source of total income, it would be wise of us to increase this even more; this has been difficult in recent years seeing as how Google sells only the chrome book as hardware. This will give us a good idea of who may be a possible target for a business deal in which we are allowed to download our web browser as the default. As we are able to see from the numbers alone, we have been able to gain twenty-eight percent of web browser market share within the two years of our introduction of chrome in 2010. The majority of this share was at the expense of Firefox and Internet explorer who had held 32.7% and 52.4% respectively, at the time of our introduction. At the time, safari had only held 3.72% of the market share, which although halved by 2012, does not explain the significant increase that we have experienced with chrome. Currently, the market share for Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari and Chrome are 34.6%, 5.14%, 1.39% and 28.24%, respectively; meaning that we are 6.36% of market share away from being equal to the market share of internet explorer.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SUMMARY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

SUMMARY - Essay Example Petersen also notes the students have problems with their listening skills. Native Americans speak quickly and fluently, and with vocabularies, but the international students lack a background on such complex terms. Listening then becomes difficult if they cannot follow and understand what lecturers and other students are saying (Petersen). The international students also shy away from speaking in front of others. They are aware of their problems in pronunciation, fluency, intonation, and word stress. They know they cannot fully understand what others say and cannot express what they mean correctly. Their participation in class, therefore, becomes limited. The author, Lissa Petersen, also indicates that the students have problems in reading comprehension, using idioms and grammar. If, however, the students can apply Benjamin Bloom’s strategy of thinking, they can overcome some of the problems. Lastly, Petersen points at rhetorical differences as another hindrance to effective learning by the international students. American academic writing features several differences with other cultures. Although most of the international students are taught English grammar in their countries, the teaching is not up to the American standards. Their English can, therefore, seem to be illogical and disorganized, but is acceptable in another culture

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leading Strategic Change At DaVita Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leading Strategic Change At DaVita - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the turnaround in the fortunes of DaVita is attributable to managerial changes incorporated by the company by hiring a new C.E.O, Kent Thiry. Thiry has been the C.E.O of DaVita since October 1999 and has been an instrumental force in its growth and success. He is an experienced C.E.O and a graduate of Harvard in MBA. In October 1999, a time when Kent Thiry took over as C.E.O for Total Rental Care the company was collapsing. Basically, Total Renal Care could not honor its loan obligations, was already paying the charge to its creditors, its leverage had shot up due to the many acquisitions and most vividly the company was on the brink of bankruptcy. Additionally, its stock price had dropped greatly, its systems non- performing and its employees demotivated and unhappy. What made the situation even worse was the shareholders’ loss of faith in the company to the point of using it. The future of the company was uncertain. The new C.E. O, Kent Thiry was facing a dilemma of how to rescue the company that was heading for a closedown. It was now his obligation to turn things around and gain the lost confidence. Thiry was taking over a nightmare job, one that many would avoid. Because of the many challenges that Total Renal Care was facing at the time Thiry took over as C.E.O, a turnaround of things was a priority for him and the management. The purposes of these transformations especially the restructuring of the debts and cash flows were to ensure the company was back on its financial feet. This was to ensure the firm avoids the foreseen financial risk of bankruptcy. Additionally, the early meetings of the CEO and the executive were significant in streamlining the company’s payroll decisions, operating philosophy and other vital legislation that the company wanted to instill. Adoption and recognition of centers aimed at giving attention to their market with a view to making them feel appreciated and cared for .

Cyclermate Report Essay Example for Free

Cyclermate Report Essay I. An executive summary Dai Armstrong and Lewis Llewellyn are the two men who planned to open their own company after being superfluous due to the shutting down of the steel plants in their town of South Wales were Dai Armstrong and Lewis Llewellyn. They became good friends because of taking part in the local club of cycle touring together and decided to start Cyclermate, which was a bicycle manufacturing company that was laid down in the year 1988. In the beginning of time, Cyclermate gained a huge influence over the share of the market. The company appeared well with no problems and difficulties up to 2010, the time when the business is in trouble, it confronted lots of consequences with respect to operation human resource and finance. Therefore, the demand by purchasers fell continue sadly even though the prices were cut down by the company; the distinguishing attributes of the goods were not up to the quality as they were earlier. The rising complaints from the customers regarding degrading quality and faults in the product and the concern by the bank manager regarding the overdraft could cause trouble if the problems are not solved as soon as possible. Because of that, the company requires a right way to deal with this issue and save it from the edge of going bankrupt. II. Introduction Based on case study research in Cyclermate Ltd. and a series of case in community, this report will work out the financial problems and various other problems confronted by Cyclermate. It has been designed to analysis the business environment and management, measured by SWOT and PET models that are required to be looked upon. The report also draws on a brief summary for the financial side of the business. In addition, this report takes into account an examination of difficulties confronted by Cyclermate and possible solution for the problems, included short and long term solutions. Another function of this report is to examine how the company could get out of the crisis and get back to the current market share. Finally, the report brings us some recommendations and conclusion of the whole Cyclermate case study. III. Analysis of Business Environment 1. PEST Analysis PEST analysis is involved in the chief external environmental that effect or control considerably a business strategy. As we can see, PEST is aimed for Political, Economic, Social and Technological matters that can affect the business. PEST is recognized to persuade it in a utile manner of summarizing the external environment. However, it may be adopted the ability of how an establishment should react to these factors. Political Factor A political factor has a powerful impact on income tax, labor law, trade restriction and many more. Company did not recruit enough workers to meet the targets and worker had to work overtime to get the work done and workers are getting paid at normal rate. Using a traditional method may harm workers health and decreased their productivity as well. These mistakes made Cyclermate become a target of health and safety agencies. They have to improve the quality or else they can be stuck in authorized issues. On the  other hand, they also need to achieve higher standard in manufacturing to meet requirements of the market, especially foreign markets. Economic Factor Cyclermate had purchased a larger storehouse for goods, which indeed was essential to them but did not suffice their requirements. Purchasing a warehouse, which fulfilled the needs of the company, could have saved a lot of money and that same money could have used in new or currently in existence projects. Another factor in economics that affects to the development of Cyclermate Ltd is labor. The unemployment rate is increasing, therefore, this is a good chance for this company to choose worker more easily, and employ them easily with affordable price. Social Factor Social factor has a powerful impact on human behavior, Cyclermate had many order but they did not have enough workforce to complete these orders. They have to work long hours in order to achieve their goals. One more important thing is that high-speed innovation as well as the increasing demands of consumers requires Cyclermate to change and improve every day. But there is a truly infact that living standard of clients could effect to their choices. The higher income distribution they get, the higher demands they re Technological Factor Cyclermate Ltd is using the oldest way to advertise their products by posting advertisement in traditional newspapers. It has limited their goods to the customers. Instead, this company can set up its own website. In addition, Cyclermate Ltd is using the oldest way to advertise their products by posting advertisement in traditional newspapers. It has limited their goods to the customers. Instead, this company can set up its own website. 2. SWOT Analysis It is a methodical technique that is utilized to categorize and identify substantial external (Opportunities and Threats) and internal (Strengths and Weaknesses) factors confronted with a specific area. (Johnson, 1993) It  renders data which are useful in corresponding the capabilities and resources to the spiritual atmosphere in which it functions and hence is a significant addition to the planning and marketing procedure. (Pearce, 2005) Let have look at the SWOT of cyclermate to understand more about the current issue that company has to face with. Strengths Direct channels of sale Cyclermate has direct channels of sales with the direct sales and direct shops; hence intermediary’s cost is largely eliminated. Reducing the cost of manufacturing could unquestionably help Cyclermate achieve a huge share of the market. As direct channels are in direct contact with the providers, thus, it could help in increasing in quantity or value of the sales and it provides a good opportunity to the providers to empathize the clients and could make required changes are per the requirement of the customers. Motivated workforce The employees at the Cyclermate are extremely pioneering and are can fully utilize and achieve any given objective or alterations in the company but they are inhibited by the administration as a result they are unable to express their views freely. The employees could have a crucial role in the company for its overall growth and development. Possession of buildings and lands Unlike Cyclermate most of the companies don’t possess either building or land and hence have to pay the heavy rents which adds to the cost but cyclermate can make any changes in the buildings and could capitalize in whichever way they wish to as they own it, which reduces the overall cost. Weaknesses Inexperience and unmotivated staffs of the company The company has made use of untrained workers. These untrained workers are not given the proper training after their employment. It is the fact that the employees and the staff are never allowed to put forward their creative and self-ideas due to the policies of the management, as a result of this  motivation in the staff is lost. Sales are decreasing in amount or degree and there is piling up of stocks in the warehouses which generates a feeling among the staff that they are not under a good management and as this feeling flourishes they lose hopes from the company and it has a very bad impact on their morale. The investors do not truly interested in the business Due to the low returns on the capital invested by the investors, they are unhappy with the performance of the company and are losing faith in it. In addition, the very fact that the shareholders were not paid any interest last year, it may result in the withdrawal of their money from the company. The quality concerns Because lack of the power to be effective of the staffs to keep up the measures of the goods and the quality of raw material utilized is leading to degraded quality of the goods eventually. Old machinery such as traditional spaying technique, painting and low-quality stock control technology needs updating as soon as possible if the business hopes to improve the production and sales in the coming time. Opportunities Take the advantages of social media Cyclermate should launch its website, which provides complete detail and range of the products available with them. Company can employ a new computer system for keeping a good database of the company. They can introduce online selling and modification according to the wish of customers. Introduction of new machines They should introduce some of the modern machinery in order to achieve higher-level productivity. Cyclermate could bring in new robotic machinery in the production process that will lead to speedy output and a superior quality of goods. Employ trained workers They have the opportunity to make use of the trained workforce, which has been recently laid off from the nearby production site. More workforce means opportunity to gain more productivity. Threats Overseas competitors As a result of the growth to a global or worldwide scale, many companies from across the globe have entered the market with products of low price and high quality, which certainly is a threat for Cyclermate as it supplies good with high cost and of lower quality. Due to recession, which is prevailing in Europe the purchasing power of people is going down. Thus, company can have reduced sales or can face financial crises. Reputation Due to poor-quality product for a period of Cyclermate’s reputation is going down and therefore people do not like to go for their products. Huge retail Merchants Retail Merchants like Argos and Halfords are captivating the market eventually and it might happen that Cyclermate may lose the market share completely. Customer threatens them to sue their company after their product was fail in delivering the good performance. IV. Analysis of Business Management 1. Financial Problems Prob. 1.1: Uncontrolled cost The main problem that company is in this situation is because of the uncontrolled cost and mismanaged budget. The costs are increasing yearly with the sales and selling price of the products going down. Let have look at the financial statement that company has  £210,800 worth of non-current assets. Loan request will be refused as company only holds cash fund of  £675 into their bank account. Costs are increasing at a rapid rate year after year. Asset turnover ratio is 2.06:1. This indicates that the profit margins for the company are very low that’s why the ratio is so high. We can also conclude from this that the company’s pricing strategy is not effective leading to lower profits. Prob. 1.2: Dealing with a big loan Creditor days – 24 days leads to the company has to pay back it its debtors in 24 days and it is just left with 675 £ of cash. The Company is liable to pay  £87,500 to the creditors and if they don’t so a legal action may be taken on them, which are not good for company’s reputation. They may talk to the creditors and ask for an extension in time for payments as they are going through financial crisis and don’t have money right now to pay back. Prob. 1.3: Lots of inventories Besides, it shows that the majority of inventories are stored and not effectively managed, that is why current ratio is at such high level, which also means low sales and low revenue gained. Moreover, the company relies on the bank loan as the main monetary support. 2. Operation Problems Prob. 2.1: Stock control system Disturbingly, materials are always in the shortage which results in the disruption of the production process recently. Although the demand is higher and higher, company cannot meet their requirement because of lacking necessary components. Prob. 2.2: Inappropriate division of duties The inappropriate division of duties obviously had made such a burden on many workers. In particular, Dai Armstrong has to deal with many tasks such as making all the frames, factory manager and business director at the same time. He himself also finds it hard to keep up the level of production (approximately 8 frames/day) because it requires the harsh physical demands. Prob. 2.3: Assembly is a complex process Moreover, assembly is a complex process, which takes 2 or 3 hours for one person. Janice Jones and Ffred Gregory often have to work overtime to catch up with the progress. As a result, their health and time issue could be heavily damaged. 3. HR Management problems Prob. 3.1: Improper workforce in manufacturing Unreasonable workforce division is one of the most serious problems of Cyclermate Ltd. Besides, lack of experienced employees and the aging workforce are worrying the production process and raising a big question for a more effective training system. Prob. 3.2: The training system creates The training system creates such obstacles for the assembly process. Typically, Fred, who is 18 years old, is a new and un-experienced person; the training for him is necessary, however, not easy at all. It takes so much time to instruct Fred in traditional way, which is apparently the cause of slow production recently. Prob. 3.3: Corporate culture The staff is highly de-motivated due to decreasing sales and profits and also the behavior of the management as in the sinking company they are not free to put up their ideas even if they do they are rejected because of the superiority of the management. V. Solution A. Short term and immediate planning 1. Financial problems: Solution 1.1: Cost in selling and distribution Cost in selling and distribution could be possible declined to save more money for the company such as cutting cost for postage and courier charges by substituting by cheaper service, as well as the travelling and hospitality. Those indirect costs contribute such high cost to the manufacturing of the cycles, restricting them would help boost the sales with cheaper price. Solution 1.2: Ask for trading debtors to repay The solution to this issue is that they should strictly resolve and for the  trade debtors to repay the loans as soon as possible. The amount of $200,571 would help the financial situation better in the coming time. Once their assets are raised through and their liquidity are proved to be valuable enough to afford the loan, it will be beneficial for them to borrow money from the banks. Solution 1.3: Direct sale prices Cyclermate’s direct sale prices are higher than shop sale price. In order to generate healthy revenue, Cyclermate needs to reduce their direct sale price. By reducing the direct sale prices will increase their sale and it will be easy for them to generate healthy revenue. 2. Operation Problems Solution 2.1: Buy stock when needed Company should only buy stock when they needed. Buying stock earlier will harm company’s financial positions, because raw material does not hold their value and it has got more chances of losing its market value. Solution 2.2: Require clear division A good answer for this problem is that the company should require clear division to who is able to undertake and separate arrangement of duties. Specifically, assigning other qualified person on frame-making position so that Mr. Dai could concentrate and dedicate himself to external relations business only. Solution 2.3: hiring more experienced labors The company should consider hiring more experienced labors for assemble line and frame-making because Mr Dai can no longer put up with the physical requirement of the task. With those simple tasks like packaging, it is acceptable for free hand employees to help out, but only when they finished all their tasks. 3. HR Management problems Solution 3.1: Employ cheaper labors In this case, the company can consider employ cheaper labors that are  suggested by Maldwyn Jones: Chinese or Taiwanese labor to make the machine for them- much better quality but half the price and move Idris Pugh to higher position as a supervisor for the whole wheel-making process. Solution 3.2: Improving the staff’s skills This training program involves directly in the new changes with a purpose of improving the staff’s skills, expertise and methods to complete an error-free task, exposing them to unfamiliar ideas and of course, giving them the chance to practice task under time/speed limit. Solution 3.3: Core business value Trust in others and a firm belief in overcoming difficulties (set up new mission: overcome difficulty, minimize waste and consequence) B. Long term and efficiency improvements Present fiscal condition of Cyclermate (Accounting ratios).The acid / liquid ratio of Cyclermate is 0.76:1, which depicts Cyclermate is incapable to satisfy indebtednesses of shorter term, which mean that it would not be competent to satisfy fiscal difficulty which may happen in the time to come. The Asset turnover ratio for Cyclermate is 2.06:1. As the ratio is excessively high, this means that profit margins are very low. The pricing strategy of Cyclermate is ineffective and because of that low profit. Return on capital employed –Cyclermate has far too less returns on the capital employed, just a mere 0.11 or 11%. Debtor days –It would take Cyclermate 115 days to get back the money from debtors. Creditor days – Cyclermate has to pay back in 24 days to its debtors with a cash balance of 675 £. The financial statement of Cyclermate shows that it has non-current assets which is of worth  £210,800.Any request regarding a loan from the bank will be refused as it has a mere cash balance of  £675. It may get a loan based on the position of its non-current assets. In place of the above-discussed alternative, it can sell its freehold land, which is worth  £160,000, and use the proceeds from the sale in the business. Cyclermate could acquire funds if they pursue its trade debtors to pay off soon. Debtors worth  £200,571 are to be recovered and the funds would be acquired soon if the debtors do not  default and pay in full. Once it has sufficient fund, Cyclermate could apply for the bank loan. VI. Conclusion Overall, Cyclermate will have a better future if they operate their business in slightly different ways. Cyclermate products were famous for its quality and price,if the company still provide what the consumer wants than it would be no harm to the company. But there few changes needs to be changed and once the new rules and regulation apply into the business than it would be a great opportunity for Cyclermate to operate their services. Moreover, With the movement of new threats into the marketplace the present systematic plan of action of Cyclermate is continuously below the acceptable level in its performance due to the fact that the new firms and the existing organizations are coming up with improved quality of products at a cheaper price VII. Recommendations The company must sign up correct individual as per the requirement of the position. Currently the management is interfering in the process of production and is unable to focus of the activities they should be concerned. The financial hardships through which Cyclermate is going through at present could be resolved by selling the unused stock that is piled up in the warehouse. In order to generate revenues and funds to invest in other arena of the company, Cyclermate must sell its freehold land that would certainly generate high revenue. In order to achieve higher output and productivity, modern technology should be applied in the production process. Installing a computer database through which the management could look into all the important and relevant data as and when required. Cyclermate should launch its website, which provides complete detail and range of the products available with them. Reducing both direct sales prices so as to sell the current stock and trade debtors. Employing young and trained workforce that is fit for the position.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Visual Techniques Essay Example for Free

Visual Techniques Essay Contemporary television nowadays is leaning towards the â€Å"reality† aspect of what’s being shown to the audience. Because of this, they adapt visual techniques which makes it easier for the audience to relate to what’s on today’s TV. One specific technique is the subjective perspective or view point. This is when the television shows encourage its viewers to follow a certain character or adopt a certain stance through the direction of the shots. High angled shots usually give power to viewers while low angled shots leave them powerless. Another visual technique is the social distance. This enables the audience to see how close or how intimate characters are to a certain cause or idea. Personal distances are judged through the types of shots, like when its about far social distance, long shots are used, and for close personal distance medium to close-up shots are used. 2. On the other hand, television visual techniques are now being used in contemporary films. One good example is the use of lighting. Before, one can immediately distinguish a film from a television show because television shows usually have more lighting, as compared to darker, dimmer lighting on films. Nowadays, in the advent of High-Definition, films give a more life-like feel just like television because of lighting. Another one television visual technique used in contemporary films is the documentary style or approach. Instead of the usual plot, films follow different sequence of events that could make the viewers feel like they’re watching a made-for-TV documentary. 3. Film and television clearly have influenced each other throughout their shared history. Now, film visual techniques are not anymore limited to films, just like with television techniques being used in films. Also, both of these benefited from better production because of the advanced tools and techniques used in making them (CinemaRoll, 2008). Computer-generated images are not that costly now, making it available even to low-budget films. On the other hand, viewers are tired of the usual plot twists and turns in movies that’s why they enjoy odd, radical approaches in film making, including the incorporation of television techniques in its production (Cohen, 2006). References: CinemaRoll. (2008). Television and Film. Retrieved June 8, 2009, from http://cinemaroll. com/cinemarolling/television-and-film/ Cohen, D. S. (2006). New techniques make visual effects more actor-friendly. Retrieved June 8, 2009, from http://www. variety. com/awardcentral_article/VR1117955526. html? nav=visualfx07

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The History Of The Community Mobilization Sociology Essay

The History Of The Community Mobilization Sociology Essay The term community has various meaning. We can define community is a place where people living in the particular geographical area and they shares their common values, interests and they follows a particular way of living. The term community may refer to the national community or international community. In biology a community is a group of interacting people sharing a populated environment. Apart from a geographical area a community is a group or society, helping each other. In human communities belief, resources, needs, interest and a number of other conditions may be present in common, which also affects the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness. In every society various types of communities may take place. Some categorizations are as follows:- Geographic communities: It ranges from the local neighborhood, suburb, village, town or city, region, nation or even the planet as a whole. These refer to communities of location. Communities of culture: It ranges from the local clique, sub-culture, ethnic group, religious, multicultural or pluralistic civilization, or the global community cultures of today. They may be included as communities of need or identity, such as disabled persons, or frail aged people. Communities are nested; one community can contain another-for example a geographic community may contain a number of ethnic communities. Identity is also one of the important factor to assess the type of community. For example if a group of people indicates the common identity other than location then it would be a community based on their common interest. Also a professional community can also exist in society where a group of people are with the same or related occupations. There are different things that bind people together to their different communities or that they may have in common with the other people living around them, which includes beliefs and values, language, territory, religion, culture and occupations. Community Mobilization: A strong community feeling is also evident at times of crisis and change for families, such as marriage and death. In a community people shared their we feeling with each other. As we know that proper management and utilization of resources is the best possible way for the development of the community. Therefore community mobilization is always prominent for the development and upliftment of any community. For mobilizing the community people make their plans and then do the things accordingly. They take charge, transforming, developing their community and their lives as well. Community mobilization is a process which allows people in the community to: Identify needs and promote community interests. Promote good leadership and democratic decision making. Identify specific groups for undertaking specific problems. Identify all the available resources in the community and mobilize or generate new resources. Communities can mobilize to work for changes that will fulfill the social, emotional, financial and physical needs of people. Community mobilization is a process to create awareness among people regarding the present situation of the community in order to encourage positive change in the future For community mobilization communication is one of the important tool to achieve it. Through proper and effective communication various methods of mobilizing the community can be implemented. Here we are discussing the various methods for community mobilization by given actors as per the fig 1.1. Mobilizing the community Political Parties Social Movements Individual groups Political Parties The use of social networking sites by political parties and other politically active groups has been increased. These groups have realized that using of social networking potentially increases people mobilization. The Internet has become a fast and low-cost communication tool and enables quick and easy aggregation of political information among potential voters. For instance Mr. Barack Obama successful used Twitter, Flicker, You Tube, Facebook among others to communicate and mobilize people. He also had a $2 million dollar custom campaigning and social networking site built called As political parties are now actively engaging with social networking sites as part of their strategies to mobilize the maximum people in the community. In the present scenario, the use of social media is really important to mobilize the people and communities for collective action. We know that today millions of people are connected in one way or another to the internet. People are easil y accessible on internet. It is another way of reaching large numbers of people to mobilize them for a group effort. Facebook, Mixit, Twitter can also be effective for the above. To generate awareness among people and to mobilize them in large number to make a community independent. Newspapers, radio stations and the TV have the authority to inform thousands more people about various campaigns for mobilizing any community. By writing a press release, a political party can highlight the facts, peoples demands, and what people want the media to talk about regarding the development and continuous empowerment of their community. Parties can also organize a press conference. So they can invite the reporters to come to a meeting where spokespeople from the community organization speak out publicly about the problem and the solution of the problems of community. All these strategies political parties can apply to mobilize the community and people as well to generate awareness among them and to provide them a platform where people can discuss issues their community problems also mobilize the resources. Apart from above, Political rallies and the use of local languages are instrumental in the mobilization of groups for social action. Social Movements Social movements are a type of group action. They are large informal groupings of individuals or organizations which focus on specific political or social issues for their development. In other words, they carry out, resist or undo a social change in the society. Social movement campaigns play a critical role in mobilizing and maintaining the submerged networks of social movement communities. We discuss the importance of such movement campaigns and their effects on movement communities, subsequent collective action, and cultural and political change. Our research contributes to an understanding of the shape of social movement communities and the connections between local and international campaigns. Community mobilization is often used by grassroots-based social movements, which includes revolutionary movements. The process usually takes the form of large public gatherings such as mass meetings, marches, parades, processions and demonstrations. Those gatherings usually are part of a protest action. These are the different ways by which a community can be mobilized and can raise voice for the demand of development of the community. In other words, community mobilization seeks to facilitate change within the community for its development. Modern Western social movements became possible through education (the wider dissemination of literature), and increased mobility of labor due to the industrialization and urbanization of 19th century societies. Social movements have been and continued to be closely connected with democratic political systems. Occasionally, social movements have been involved in democratizing nations, but more often they have developed after democratization. Modern movements often utilize technology and the internet to mobilize people globally. Adapting to communication trends is a common theme among successful movements. Research is beginning to explore how advocacy organizations linked to social movements use social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action. It is a type of political organisation we need to think about is the social movement. A movement, by its very nature, is not something that can be easily pinned down since, as Glaser (2003) suggests, it represents a loose community of like-minded people who share a broad range of ideas and opinions. This type of definition, therefore, covers a range of behaviours, a good example of which might be something like the environmentalist movement a very broad category of people who, in a variety of ways, are concerned with protecting the physical environment. Della Porta and Diani (1999) refine this general idea by thinking about social movements in terms of Informal networks the movement as a whole is loosely structured. People come together, at various times, on the basis of: Shared beliefs and support for a general set of ideas, usually based around: Conflictual issues, especially, although not necessarily, issues of national and global significance. Part of the reason for social move ments is that issues of concern to movement adherents/members are either not being addressed by political parties or, if they are, the movements adherents are strongly opposed to the policies being proposed/ enacted. This is one reason why such movements often involve: Protest in a range of forms (such as civil disobedience, demonstrations or publicity stunts). In other words, as Schweingruber (2005) puts it, social movements involve: Continuous, large-scale, organized collective action, motivated by the desire to enact, stop, or reverse change in some area of society. Social movements are any broad social alliances of people who are connected through their shared interest in blocking or affecting social change. Although social movements do not have to be formally organized. Social movement is always an important tool to bring the change in society and as well as to mobilize the communities for their own development. By arranging people in mass meetings, parades, marches, discussions on various issues, movements for stressing the education of people, bringing the concept of democratization in light communities can mobilize through theses social movements. Social movements are always a part of society, and people may compare their options and make rational choices about which movements to follow. As long as social movements wish to be success, they must find resources (such as money, people, and plans) for how to meet their goals. Social movements are competing for a piece of finite resources, and the field is growing more crowded all the time.McCarthy and Zald (1977) conceptualize resource mobilization theory as a way to explain movement success in terms of its ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals. For example, PETA, a social movement organization, is in competition with Greenpeace and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), two other social movement organizations. Taken together, alo ng with all other social movement organizations working on animals rights issues, these similar organizations constitute a social movement industry. Multiple social movement industries in a society, though they may have widely different constituencies and goals, constitute a societys social movement sector. Every social movement organization (a single social movement group) within the social movement sector is competing for your attention, your time, and your resources. Individual groups It is always easy to start a fire and involve a number of people. Community members need to choose certain people whose role will be to keep the fire of community mobilization burning. In this guide these people will be called motivators. People in the community know each other very well. Take time to carefully choose honest people who are respected by others, and who can encourage others to work well together. They need to have some time and energy available, have a desire to bring change and be willing to work free of charge. Each community should select two or three motivators. The people chosen will need equipping and support in their role. Each local area has a number of different kinds of resources. People use these resources to keep alive and to cope with changing seasons, political change and cultural pressures. Helping people to understand and to value the different resources they have is very important. These are the main kinds of resources: _ Natural resources include land, trees, forests and water. _ Human resources include the skills, knowledge, understanding and labour of local people. _ Financial resources include money, access to credit and loans, credit unions and government support. _ Social resources include the culture, traditions, organizations, friends and extended family. _ Physical resources include buildings, tools, roads, water pumps and transport. _ Spiritual resources are the strength and encouragement that people gain from their faith. Local people already know more than any outsider about their community and the people living there. Many people assume they know everything about their local area, but there is always more to learn and understand before making new plans. Take plenty of time to help people in the community to tell their story together. One very effective way of doing this is to draw maps, either using clear ground with sticks, leaves and stones, or if available, large sheets of paper and pens. Encourage small groups to draw different maps to show: the natural and physical resources in the area (hills, forests, roads and rivers, for example) -where people live, noting important people and organisations -how the area looked 50 or 20 years ago (only for older people). So for mobilizing communities, individual groups can do the social mapping of the community so that the people can aware about the present problems in the community. Another helpful way to focus on key issues within the local area is to encourage people to prepare a role-play to express their concerns. As people discuss what subjects to use, they will often focus on important issues. However, they are also likely to share these in funny ways. Laughter has a way of taking the pressure out of a situation, helping people to discuss sensitive issues, sometimes for the first time. Again, encouraging people to work in small groups is another way to mobilize the communities. Having chosen their first priority for action, local people need to decide whether they have enough information to take action. For example, if education is identified as the priority, people may need more information about the problems and whether they are at primary or secondary level. The problem may be poor attendance and, if so, there is a need to find out why. Considering electing teams of local people to gather relevant information is another way to mobilize the communities. Choose people who can be trusted and who know their community well. Before sending teams out to gather information, take plenty of time to decide exactly what kind of information is needed. Apart from this, conducting role plays- street plays in the community is always a good strategy to mobilize the maximum number of people and to preparing them for a social action. By Arranging a community meeting to share all the information gathered is showing information clearly to the people. A large number of people can mobilize for the collective action after getting all the facts and problems of the community. Also, motivation plays an important role in this activity. As keep motivating the people in right direction is always worthy and will be fruitful for attaining maximum development of the community. Initial contact with the community is another way to mobilize people. Understanding community practices and traditions prior to establishing contact can help identify the appropriate approach for engaging with different groups and members of the community. It is important to focus on learning from the community, especially during the initial contact.  Taking every opportunity to meet informally with diverse members of the community (at the health post, during registration, at distribution points, in the queue for water). Also utilizing community leaders also increases the chances of reaching a cross-section of the population and not just a narrow representation. It is essential that all members of the community receive word about mobilization and how they can be involved.  Outreaching to those who are isolated, vulnerable or considered. If they cannot personally attend a meeting, it is important that they be represented in some way. So as per the above discussion, motivating peop le, arranging meetings, initial contacting with the communities, utilizing the community leaders, conducting role-plays, street plays, community outreaching are different ways to mobilize the maximum people of community by individual groups. Also, identifying an existing committee or a community-based organization which can give individual groups access to the community and facilitate distribution of  messages. Meeting the host community and the authorities is important to reach out the goals for community development and mobilization.   Messages might only reach certain groups, such as community leaders, and not all members of the community.  Developing outreach strategies with the leaders and others to ensure that everyone is informed, including women, girls and boys, minority groups, and people with mental and physical challenges. Making sure that information is delivered in a language everyone can understand, is culturally sensitive and is correctly perceived and understood.  As always communication should be effective and strong for the mobilization. Arranging meetings at mutually convenient times. As far the mobilization concern, for development of any community individual groups should make positive rappor t building among the community with key people- like facilitator, leaders, service providers etc. and whole community as well. A good rapport building is effective strategy to mobilizing the people.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transparency, respect and consistency are essential for building trust, confidence and collaboration between organizations and partners, including members of the community.  Also individual groups have to make ensure that after the first contact immediate follow-up action is taken or not.   Orienting the Community is another way to mobilize the people. The first step in mobilizing the community is to orient them to the process.  This can be done in a number of ways, including written communication, television, radio, or an organized meeting.  Meetings are more personal and conducive to building relationships.   They also facilitate two-way communication where questions can be answered efficiently. As groups can motivate community people for their maximum participation in every discussion as they should feel that they are the key part of it.   Also to start these meetings as soon as possible, so that trust and a positive working relationship can be built between parties. Having the meeting sponsored or hosted by a respected individual or group within the community can add credibility to its agenda.  This may happen through a church, school, tribe, or other local group.   Utilizing community leaders also increases the chances of reaching a cross-section of the population and not just a narrow representation. It is essential that all members of the community receive word about mobilization and how they can be involved.  Outreach is prominent to those who are isolated, vulnerable or considered marginal is critical. If they cannot personally attend a meeting, it is important that they be represented in some way. Individual groups should take care of these things before conducting any activity as part of the community or within the community. An only arranging meeting is not as sufficient. The goals of the meeting must be carefully considered and reflected in the agenda.  Community leaders can provide assistance presenting the information in a culturally appropriate manner. Some of the community leaders may be chosen to convey topics with which they are familiar.  During this meeting, it is important to invoke the input of the community. Identify their needs and begin to priorities how those needs will be met.   Individual groups sho uld know that this meeting will be an opportunity to develop an awareness of what the contributing organizations can provide, and also an opportunity to learn about the strengths and resources of the community. It will be important to define mutual goals and develop a plan as to how to reach these goals.  This will include organizing individuals to work together and coordinate services.   Proper organization of every resources and management is necessary to mobilize the people. Also individual groups should develop ongoing ways to communicate for mobilizing the people. Once goals have been defined and a plan has been developed, it will be important to identify ongoing ways to communicate.  Rather than having large meetings, cluster meetings of project staff, community leaders and community members working on similar tasks are more manageable and efficient.  The groups should begin team building with all team members (international  and national staff, community leaders and community members). It is vital that marginalized and vulnerable people are included in these teams.  Intervention with the community may be required for them to allow marginalized or isolated members of their community to participate in a team.   Working in small teams that include affected people as well as outside helpers.  Team leaders should meet daily for sharing of information, planning and coordination. Not all teams will be required for all emergency response projects. Some people may be a member of more than one team. Conclusion: It is to be concluded that for continuous community development mass awareness, people mobilization is very important. In our society there are different resources which can perform to mobilize the community. But one should only need to generate these resources within the community or outside the community. Maximum resource utilization and mobilization of people are key things for developing any community. Community development emphasizes participation, initiative and self-help by local communities but should be sponsored by national governments as part of a national plan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Size Does Matter :: Personal Narrative Shoes Shopping Papers

Size Does Matter â€Å"Back to School Extravaganza!!† â€Å"Store-Wide Clearance Sale: Buy 2 Pairs of Shoes and Get the third pair Half –Off!† Every inch of the walls inside the mall were plastered with a vast array of dazzling lights and colorful propaganda. It seemed as if I was going to suddenly be attacked by fearsome mannequins, who stood idly like a platoon of glaring soldiers, anticipating their command to strike. The congested food court had an aroma of boiling flesh, pungent enough to tickle the deepest hairs of my nostrils. With each step I took, I was met with an explosion of soul shivering sounds from the speakers, and flashy formed fonts that struck me at every glimpse of the banners. I was on a mission, and was forced to disregard all of the feeble advertising attempts that came my way. My objective was to finally acquire the legendary shoe that had eluded me many times before. As I marched on through the halls, I was distracted by an intense glow. Before long, I found myself gradually progressing toward the mystifying light. There it was, basking in its splendid wonder on an unreachable pedestal, a modern day Holy Grail. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted. â€Å"Welcome to Footaction. How may I help you?† I was instantly confronted by the typical, cheerful greeting I received upon entering any shoe establishment. â€Å"Yes I am looking for one shoe in particular,† I responded. â€Å"I need some brand new, fresh white Air Forces, about an eleven and a half to twelve.† â€Å"That is big, you know what they say about guys with big feet?... Yeah, they have big shoes! I’ll go see what we have available, and I’ll be right back,† she mumbled with a wide grin that grazed both corners of her bright red cheeks. Then she was off on the challenging quest at hand. As she disappeared momentarily, I held on to what little hope I had left of attaining those shoes. For so long they had narrowly escaped my eager, extended grasp. I was tired of wandering on journeys from store to store, just to end up in the â€Å"Land of ‘D’s:† Disappointment, Disdain, Distress, and Despair, with many other familiar pessimistic pedestrians along the way. A pale, white cloud began to materialize over my head, as my thoughts ran rampant. I envisioned myself roaming around, floating into space, traveling with my newly attained white gems.

The Republic: Protagoras, Gorgias, and Meno :: Philosophy Morals Neo Aristotelianism Papers

The Republic: Protagoras, Gorgias, and Meno One vigorous line of thought in contemporary moral philosophy, which I shall call ‘Neo-Aristotelianism,’ centers on three things: (1) a rejection of traditional enlightenment moral theories like Kantianism and utilitarianism; (2) a claim that another look at the ethical concerns and projects of ancient Greek thought might help us past the impasse into which enlightenment moral theories have left us; (3) more particularly, an attempt to reinterpret Aristotle’s ethical work for the late twentieth-century so as to transcend this impasse. The "Neo-Aristotelian" Rejection of Plato Neo-Aristotelians like Martha Nussbaum(1) and Alasdair MacIntyre,(2) in spite of their many differences,(3) are therefore united not only in their positive turn to Aristotle but also in their rejection of Plato and Plato’s Socrates.(4) And yet some features of these rejections invite further reflection. Nussbaum, for example, consistently recognizes that the Socratic-Platonic project requires us to remake ourselves: "In short, I claim that [in the Protagoras] Socrates offers us, in the guise of empirical description, a radical proposal for the transformation of our lives." (FG 117, LK 112) But to what extent has she done justice to the particular kind of remaking Plato has Socrates offer us? More pointedly, does she acknowledge the extent to which Socrates aims at focussing his interlocutors on a process of questioning, rather than simply handing doctrine over to them?(5) Or has her Socrates been flattened out, his dialogical style rendered monological, so as to support her ov erall thesis more easily?(6) As for MacIntyre, does he see clearly enough the parallel between his own work and Plato’s when he says that in his earlier dialogues "Plato is pointing to a general state of incoherence in the use of evaluative language in Athenian culture" (AV 131)? Mutatis mutandis, isn’t this precisely what the opening chapters of After Virtue attempt to show? And to what extent must MacIntyre’s "quest for the good" in his crucial chapter "The Virtues, the Unity of a Human Life and the Concept of a Tradition" be committed to a Platonic, rather than Aristotelian, notion of the good? When he says "now it is important to emphasize that it is the systematic asking of these two questions ["What is the good for me?" and "What is the good for man?"] and the attempt to answer them in deed as well as in word which provide the moral life with its unity" (AV 219, emphasis added), isn’t it Plato’s Socrates who serves as the ultimate source of i nspiration here?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Title IX Amendment Essay -- American Government, Sports

In 1972, after the feminist’s movement, a proposition act was created to help increase hiring rates and employment practices of federally financed institutions for women. The amendment proposition first caught attention in 1969 when a professor and future women’s activist Bernice Sandler used executive orders created by President Johnson years earlier to fight for her job at the University of Maryland. Sandler encouraged and filed her first complaint to the Department of Labor office that her rights were not being considered. The complaint went further and passed not only the University of Maryland but onto universities that have showed low admission rates of female employees. Sandler then joined NOW (National Organization for Women) and collaborated with Woman’s Equity Action League (WEAL). Together Sandler filed 250 complaints against colleges across the nation. After the file complaints Bernice Sandler joined with Representative Judith Green’s subcommittee for Higher Learning and appeared at a women’s rights congressional meeting. That is when Title IX was then first proposed by Green and Sandler at the meeting. With the help of Congresswomen Patsy T. Mink, Title IX was finally introduced and drafted. The amendment had a huge impact on female collegiate athletes, but was not mentioned in the meeting. According to Wikipedia Title IX reads: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance..." The concern of present day Title IX amendment was revised in order to reflect gender equality, giving females the same opportunity as males to get ... ...tment of Education disapproves of cutting teams in order to comply with Title IX (Wikipedia). I believe that the point of the Title IX amendment was not to hurt male sports. It is the schools choice to cut back sports that do not bring revenue, but they have to do it with their budget and to comply with the rules of the amendment. I hope they can find a way to keep it equal with both genders using the same budget. I stay optimistic that it is only going to get better right when the economy begins to get better. Until then, Title IX is going keep cutting male sports for years to come unless they can find some outsource money like private schools do to keep all of their sports. Our education system has a lot of improvement to make. I also think that California is getting the worse part of it since were in a lot worse money crisis compared to the other states.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Free States V Slave States Essay

There have always been events in American history that increased tensions between free states and slave states. In the following essay I will go over three events that has caused problems between one other. The Compromise of 1850, Uncle Toms Cabin, and John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry I have chosen these events because these are the events that stand out to me when tensions between free states and slave states come to mind. The Compromise of 1850 included four laws. California entered the union as a free state. A stricter Fugitive Slave Law requires that escaped slaves be returned. Slave trade prohibited in Washington D. C. Popular Sovereignty vote of the people living in the territory. Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe was the best selling book of the nineteenth century. This book caused many to oppose slavery. This showed Americans what slavery has done and this book opened up northern eyes against slavery. This caused the Southern to be outraged because now they have to deal with all the negative northern remarks. The last event is John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry. In 1859 John Brown led a small group against a federal arsenal. His plan was to seize the weapons and lead a slave uprising. Even though he was unsuccessful and was also executed he became a Northern hero. This incident increased the distrust that was already between the Southern and the North. In conclusion The Compromise of 1850, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry are events that rose tensions between free states and slave states. The compromise of 1850 pleased no one. It cause northern in civil disobedience against the Fugitive Slave Law by protesting and helping slaves to reach the safety of Canada. Uncles Tom’s cabin single handedly opened up peoples mind against slavery. This made people realize how horrible it is to take another mans freedom this caused problems for the slave states because now the free states wanted to get rid of slavery once and for all. John browns attack proved to the northerners anyone can make a difference if they believe slavery is wrong. This also increased Southern distrust of the North. These are the three events that stood out to me there are a lot more but these are the greatest disputes that effected North and South.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hester Prynne

Hester Prynne signifies a women of gracility and wild spirit. Strong-willed and beautiful, Hester Prynne has also defied the prudes ship canal. though she is ladylike and prideful, she is faced with the trouble of be a netherworldner. The innocence of any homosexual can be take awayn aside in a flash, and in the result of Hester Prynne, her innocence escapes her after she commits a fall outrageous sin. Hester is immediately isolated in her towns flock because she commits an act of adultery, resulting in a cherry garner forever engraved on her bosom, serving as a unvarying reminder of the mistakes in her past.In many ways without The flushed garner, Hester overcomes her sin and ransoms herself to her town, telling her inner power and specialization. Even though Hesters situation leaves forces her to be an unwanted in the town, she thus far confines strength and discards the label of being an Adulteress by showing stability. Hester Prynne is the main symbol of iso lation and alienation throughout The Scarlet Letter.Nathaniel Hawthorne emphasizes her isolation by writing that she is Alone in the world, cast off by it, and with this fillet of sole treasure to keep her heart alive, she entangle that she possessed the indefeasible rights against the world (Hawthorne 100) because of her sin. As a symbol of evil and darkness, Hester is viewed by her strict Puritan town as an outsider. After Hesters crime of adultery was know to all, Hesters re composeation and appearance of what people viewed her as is completely diversifyd and her goodness started difference un noniced.The towns harsh thoughts of her sin are revealed through a local adult female as she testifies that At the actually least, they should have put the brand of hot iron on Hester Prynnes forehead (Hawthorne 36). Hester never escapes the feelings of being alien in the progression of her life. Her ornament,the scarlet letter,which was her crack of doom to wear (Hawthorne 79) wa s shown throughout town, sequestering her from everyone else. Hester knows that even if she was allowed to take off the letter, It is too deeply brand (Hawthorne 63) and always be imprinted in her heart.This makes Hester disconnected from her holy society and forces her to become a black flower (Hawthorne 45). Though Hester is isolated, she is still up to(p) to find strength in herself. Hester Prynne is very unique and different from the other(a) women in her town because of her richness of tint (Hawthorne 50). A lot of her strength is revealed in the drawning of The Scarlet Letter. One of these very early examples of her strength is when Hester is put in forepart of the town on a scaffold.Instead of Hester shaming away from her sin when she is put in front of her town, she appeared more lady-like(Hawthorne 50) and confident in herself. Even when Hester has been publicly humiliated and is pressure to continue wearing The Scarlet Letter on her chest, she does not try to plow her sin. As she stood there with a authoritative state and dignity (Hawthorne 50) in front of the judgemental Puritans, she overcomes fear and confines her strength. Not sole(prenominal) does she show her toughness by not concealing her sin, but she also begins to change peoples negative opinions near her.Hester shows her goodness in the community by helping the poor and making clothes. Hesters new attitudes allow the people to begin to interpret Hesters Scarlet Letter differently because of her kindness. Instead of being known as the unaccept adequate adulterer, they said that it meant equal so strong was Hester Prynne, with a womans strength (Hawthorne 158). This shows that Hester puts her determination higher up all and is able to step out of her isolation by giving covert to her community. These actions enable her to fit in again as a normal citizen and redeem herself as the woman she knows she can be.All in all, it is difficult for many people to touch past their own unf ortunate situations and the actions for which they exert remorse. However, unlike many others, Hester is eventually able to just that. Hester experiences a bulky tell apart of suffering due to her past sin of adultery, but despite that she is still able to overcome that through her dignity and strong-will. Hester proves that The Scarlet Letter was not needed to be taken off in secernate for Hester to change. She also disregards multiple offerings to remove the twits mark from her bosom, and responds by say that It is too deeply branded.Ye cannot take it off. With that I might endure his agony, as strong as mine (Hawthorne 63). She clearly accepted her sin and stayed strong not only when herself but for Pearl and the other just about her to come full circle by the end of the novel. The Scarlet Letter provides great challenges for Hester, but she does not let the struggles begin to her. By staying a strong and hardened woman, Hester changes her entire life for the better a nd comes rough to redeem herself in her small Puritan town.

Network Security Plan Essay

INTRODUCTION (Purpose and Intent)The thr angiotensin converting enzyme technical school IT net income hostage Plan establishes guidelines for IT practices affair on a day to day basis to provide a batten and robust calculate environment. These practices be employ in indian lodge to treasure the mission, work, and reputation of passel tech System and its cultivation systems. These system tribute system policies, standards, and procedures that get down been established for the stack tech System, be intended to comply with the regulations and policies set down by the State of Florida, bow window technical school, and the Federal nurture shelter Management Act (F philosophical systemA).SCOPEThese standards and procedures apply to altogether breeding systems and re get-gos under the get wind of corporation tech, including every last(predicate) reckoners touch oning to the dope technical school mesh topo put downy and altogether grass technical school Sy stem employees, contractors, and some(prenominal) new(prenominal)wise individuals who social function and/or administer those systems and computers, positionly those involved with randomness system counsel.STANDARD PROVISIONS mountain tech IT blank out screw manage assay by identifying, evaluating, controlling, and mitigating vulnerabilities that argon a potence threat to the entropy and learning systems under its control. User key outs and passwords argon implemented to prolong individual reembrasurepower for internet resource usage. whatever substance abuser who obtains an account and password for memory irritateing a potful Tech provided resource, is undeniable to keep these credentials confidential. Users of these systems whitethorn further use the accounts and passwords for which they confirm been planate and pass to use, and atomic form 18 prohibitedfrom victimization the earnings to advance these systems by means of all other means. This p lan besides prohibits the sharing of personal user accounts or passwords for additioning crapper Tech or Internet computing resources. In the interest of proceeding account security, passwords ordain be changed on a regular schedule or all cartridge holder the virtue of the account is in question. kitty Tech IT profits or computing resources may non be utilize for personal commercial purposes, for personal re repeal or to violate the laws and regulations of the United States or whatever other nation, or the laws and regulations of either state, city, province or other local jurisdiction in both material way. Use of fellowship Tech resources for any illegal activity may result in loss of entanglement vex privileges, pipicial reprimand, hanging or dismissal. Corporation Tech exit get together with any legitimate law enforcement agency or inquiry in the investigation and prosecution of any alleged wrongful activity. Corporation Techs net or Internet facilities m ay non be utilise to disable or rob any computer system or entanglement, or to circumvent any system intended to encourage the privacy or security of another user.Corporation Tech owned networking and communications equipment, may and be moved by net profit and cipher Sup behavior staff, or real agents. Re manakin of network hardw atomic number 18 or softw ar program, except by designated individuals within IT, is strictly prohibited. Prior to connecting any innkeeper, network communication or monitoring thingummy to the Corporation Tech meshing, cheers moldiness be obtained from information join Communications. addendum of any the adjacent ruses to the Corporation Tech network, other than those provided or tail endonical by entanglement and reckoning Sup sort, is strictly prohibiteda. DHCP servers.b. DNS servers.c. NAT routers.d. Network Gateways.e. Packet capturing or network monitoring devices.f. any device that disrupts or negatively impacts network op erations.STATEMENT OF PROCEDURESThe procedures for conducting a risk assessment and for the control and mitigation of risks to the Corporation Tech Information Systems include earnings CONTROLCorporation Tech IT has softw ar and systems in place that obligate the ability to monitor and record network, Internet and computer system usage. This includes monitoring and security systems that argon clear of recording network profession, including transaction to World big Web sites, chat rooms, newsgroups and e-mail messages, bill servers, telnet sessions and record transfers into and out of our internal networks. This capability is necessary in order to maintain the health of Corporation Tech network operations and diagnose network link up problems. Corporation Tech IT reserves the right to bring about network monitoring at any time. The information collected may be use by technicians and management to assess network utilization and trends, and may similarly be provided to upper management or other authorities as evidence as part of any investigation of alleged insurance violations.Corporation Tech IT reserves the right to father periodic fashion scans, segment sweeps, and exposure scans on all network segments. Network operations, functions, and resources, which are not required as part of the normal and approved put-on duties or projects at Corporation Tech, may be bandwidth limited or engluted by network control devices in order to comfort the equity and availability of the overall system. Corporation Tech IT may suspend network access to any location or system that disrupts normal network operations or systems that violate Corporation Tech policy. In this compensatet, an attempt forget be do to contact the responsible individual to resolve the problem.DHCP goCorporation Tech IT provides centralized and redundant DHCP and DNS work for Corporation Tech. Due to the nature of these go, and because of the potential blusteringing of profit and possible security br each(prenominal)es resulting from in plant frame-up of additional systems, attachment of unauthorized DHCP or DNS servers is prohibited. The following guidelines must(prenominal)inessiness be followed when requesting or using any DHCP or DNS services Systems requiring an IP target must supembrasure DHCP and be capable of obtaining DHCP address information from one of the centrally administered University DHCP servers. Using DHCP, devices requesting an IP address go out be assigned a dynamical pool address from the subnet to which the device is attached. Devices with dynamically assigned IP addresses may have their address change. tranquil IP addresses needed for server class machines or specialized clients must be quest from the Data Center Communications Team via a dish Desk ticket.DNS SERVICESUser workstations, which have been assigned a dynamic pool IP address, ordain have an associated DNS earn assigned by the network. Any DNS name or domain name that is to be associated with Corporation Tech network, must be requested from and/or registered through Web serve. DNS names ending in are made forthcoming upon request for Corporation Tech approved services. Requests for assignment of DNS names must be for valid Corporation Tech related to purposes.DNS names for domains other than, and which are to be hosted by Corporation Tech systems, must be requested from Web Services. Any charges for initial or current registration of the requested name are the certificate of indebtedness of the requestor. DNS names, not in the domain, willing be handled on a fictitious character by fictitious character basis. Corporation Tech IT will work with any user requesting a domain name to identify an allot and addressable name, however Corporation Tech IT has concluding approval for all DNS name assignments.WIRELESS engagement SERVICESBecause wireless networks can be apply to provide access to the same resources and services as wired network systems, the same basic procedures that are employ in a wired network environment can also be apply in a wireless network environment. However, collectable to the nature of wireless networks, additional security and control mechanisms are needed in order to maintain the security, operation and inter-operability of two traditional and wireless systems. piano tuner routers are not leted on the Corporation Tech network unless they have been approved by Corporation Tech IT. coming to the Corporation Tech radiocommunication network is limited to individuals who have a Corporation Tech account except in locations where the lymph gland network is available. The Corporation Tech invitee Network is segregated from the internal servers and resources used by evidence users to keep the network secure. The Corporation Tech lymph node Network is only available in approved areas, and require a request to be expand into any other areas. U sers of the Corporation Tech Guest Network are required to provide a valid cell phone number in order to authenticate.Destruction and Disposal of Information and Devicesqualified information must be disposed of in such manner as to ensure it cannot be retrieved and recovered by unauthorized persons. When donating, selling, transferring, surplusing or disposing of computers or removable media (such as DVDs), the decorous procedures to make data unreadable on those media will be taken. grateful procedures are listed on ISSP-009, Medial Disposal.NETWORK entreAnyone who uses the Corporation Tech computing environment must have hold positioning (e.g. management, employee, staff, or authorized third party) and must be decently authenticated when required. introduction will be provided to vendors and or other Corporation Tech partners through the sponsored very authorized person account process, as described on http// VIP accounts are reviewed and renewed on six calendar month intervals to see if access is still needed. When an employee leaves the organization accounts will be disabled once TERM status is updated, and individual departments must approve re-activation of account access. exploiter COMPUTING DEVICESUsers are responsible for the security and integrity of Corporation Tech information stored on their workstation, which includes controlling physical and network access to the equipment. Users may not run or otherwise configure software or computer hardware that may exit access by unauthorized users. Anti-virus software must be installed on all workstations that connect to the Corporation Tech Network. Corporation Tech Computers may not be used to copy, distribute, share, download, or upload any copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright owner.PHYSICAL glide pathAccess to Corporation Tech IT Data Center should be restricted to those responsible for operation and maintenance. Access by non-IT personnel is not permitted unless they are escorted by an authorized IT staff member. Computer installations should provide fair(a) security measures to protect the computer system against innate(p) disasters, accidents, loss or fluctuation of electrical power, and sabotage. Networking and computing hardware are placed in secure and appropriately cooled areas for dataintegrity and securityNETWORK HARDWARENetwork hardware are housed behind a locked door to protect physical access to switches and other network hardware. Access is only allowed though card access or with a checkered out key. All switches and network hardware are password protected at a negligible via a local account setup on the device itself, these passwords are changed periodically as executives leave the organization. Subnets allowed to authenticate with switch management will be restricted, to create tighter control of backend administration. Exec level access Timeouts implemented on Console and VTY lines, so th at any raving mad sessions are terminated automatically. All switches are time synced using NTP, so that incidents can be track and correlated to the proper timeframe.SERVER ENVIRONMENTSAll servers are subject to a security audit and paygrade before they are placed into production. Administrative access to servers must be password protected and use two-factor authentication whenever possible. servers should be physically located in an access-controlled environment. All internal servers deployed at Corporation Tech must be owned by an working(a) group that is responsible for system administration. Servers must be registered with the IT department. At a minimum, the following information is required to positively identify the flow of contacta. Server owner contact(s) and location.b. Hardware and Operating System/ versionc. Main functions and applicationsd. MAC address (If not a virtual server)Services and applications that will not be used must be disabled where practical. Access to services should be logged and/or protected through access-control methods to the extent possible. The in effect(p) about recent security patches must be installed on the system as concisely as practical. Do not use administrator or root access when a non-privileged account can be used. Privileged access must be performed over secure channels, (e.g., encrypted network connections using SSH or IPSec).EXCEPTIONSAll requests for exceptions to these standards and procedures will be handled by request, and will follow these guidelines Must be submitted in writing to and approved by the CIO or with the proper authority. Will be reviewed on a case by case basis.NETWORK credentialCorporation Tech network design is built just about three principles, Defense-in-Depth, Compartmentalization of Information and precept of to the lowest degree Privilege. Our first step was to look at what we are protecting, which is ultimately our business and clients data and information. To ensure a so und architecture we started the design of our network with scalability in mind. It is im sortant that our design is flexible enough to converge future needs. The threats we know about and face wish a shot may not be the ones we face tomorrow. plot of land developing security requirements for our IT system resources, we will crack if they are mission-critical or data-sensitive resources. This will allow us to determine where data confidentiality and integrity are the most im user interfaceant requirements, or where the priority is continuity of operation (availability).DEFENSE-IN-DEPTHNetwork safeguards erect the first protection breastwork of IT system resources against threats originating outside the network. These threats can be in the form of intruders or malicious code. Our network design offers horizontal surfaceed protections. What this means is the security layers complement each other what one misses the other begetes. This will be accomplished by locating security defence forces in assorted places throughout our IT system, as well as not using two of the same types of safeguards. Although this may increase the complexity of our security system and can potentially make management and maintenance more(prenominal) difficult and costly, we believe the safety of the IT system resources should be based on the protection. With defense-in-depth in mind, the first layer of our network security plan starts with our network moulding security.The principle network security defenses are firewalls, misdemeanour detection and prevention systems (IPS/IDS), VPN protections and content inspection systems like anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spam and URL filtering. The traditional first line of defense against attacks is typically the firewall, which is tack together to allow/deny traffic bysource/destination IP, port or protocol. Its very straight forward, either traffic is allowed or its blocked. With the advent of Next contemporaries firewalls, which c an include application control, identity sense and other capabilities such as IPS, vane filtering, and march on malware detection, all of these features can be controlled by one device.COMPARTMENTALIZATION OF INFORMATIONCorporation Tech will have IT system resources with different sensitivity levels or different risk tolerance levels and threat susceptibilities. These resources should be located in different security partitions. The melodic theme is to hide the data or information and make it available only to those systems where it is necessary for conducting system tasks. exemplifications of this are E-mail, Web and DNS servers are located in the demilitarized zone behind the perimeter firewall. Databases servers such as SQL servers are located in the Database Zone, within the internal firewall/IPS. Intranet servers, file servers and user workstations are in the local area network zone within the internal firewall. The Internet is located in the Internet zone behind the perimeter firewall.Principle of Least PrivilegeCorporation Tech administrators and users will have minimal privileges necessary for proper go within the organization. This territorial dominion applies also to data and services made available for international users. An extension to this rule is the Need-To-Know principle which says that users and administrators of Corporation Tech IT system have access to only the information relevant to their procedure and duties performed. Other points of security that we will address in our network services availability is the single point of failure principle, the separation of duty and job gyration rules.The network paths in the midst of users and mission-critical IT system resources, all the links, devices (networking and security) as well as the servers will be deployed in redundant variants. The goal of the separation of duty and job gyration rule is to limit an employees ability to neglect and break the IT systems security policy. S eparation of duty dictates that important tasks/functions should be performed by two or more employees. Job rotation states that there should be rotation of employees in important positions.NETWORK HARDENINGFor each layer of security, we will ensure they are running the most current software and operating systems, and that the devices are tack together properly.SECURITY ZONESIntrusion Prevention (IPS) devices are responsible for discover and blocking penetrations and attacks conducted by intruders and malicious malware applications. We propose an IPS be installed in the network path between potential threat sources and sensitive IT system resources. Attacks through encrypted SSL sessions are a potential vulnerability so we recommend decrypting the sessions prior to it reaching the IPS device in order to inspect unencrypted packets.The IPS will be properly optimized and monitored to catch attackers that have slipped past the first defense (firewall/router). inhering networks wil l not have direct access to the Internet so a trojan horse send to a users workstation through a phishing attack would not allow the intruder to connect to the external network. Internet services are available for internal users only through company telecommunicate and HTTP Proxy servers.ENABLE sound NETWORK aditWe will install a VPN that is configured to allow encrypted communication to our network from the outside. Utilizing two-factor authentication, ensuring the integrity of the users making the request. This is external-facing to our network and allows users to tunnel into our LAN from the outside once the appropriate measures are taken to secure access.SEGMENTED demilitarized zoneThere will be a front-end firewall for the external traffic and a back-end firewall for the internal traffic. Firewall rules will be optimized and tightened on all publicly available systems to allow traffic to only the necessary ports and services spirit within the DMZ. Firewall rules have been c reated to only allow the source IP addresses and port to the specific servers and proxies have been added in the network from which administrators are allowed access to the systems. Systems within different VLANs (with a layer 3 switches) have been configured to help isolate and respond to incidents if a server in the DMZ is compromised. Authentication on the LAN is required before access to the DMZ is even attempted. This prevents allowing complete control over these systems at any given time.DEVICEINTEGRITYAll hardware and software will be purchased only from the producer or from resellers who are authorized and certified by the equipment manufacturer. Unused physical interfaces on network devices will be shut down. Access lists that allow only those protocols, ports and IP addresses that are required by network users and services are implemented. Everything else is denied. Network device configuration file are protected from unauthorized disclosure. locomote have been taken to avoid plaintext passwords in the configuration files. This has been accomplished by using encryption and/or a salted hash with iteration to protect the confidentiality of passwords in configuration files. Change passwords/keys immediately if the network device configuration file is transmitted in the clear (or is otherwise exposed) while containing non-encrypted passwords/keys. Secure protocols will be used when transmitting network device configuration files. All unneeded services on network devices must be shut down. log files will be reviewed regularly to gain an in depth understanding of normal network behavior. Any irregularity will be reported and investigated.SECURE MANAGEMENTOnly secure protocol standards (SSHv2 IKEv2/IPsec TLS v1.0+) will be used when performing remote management of network devices. Default usernames and/or passwords will not be used. The network infrastructure security policy should define password length and complexity requirements. brushup the network i nfrastructure security policy. This policy identifies who is allowed to log in to network infrastructure devices and who is allowed to configure network devices, and defines a plan for updating network device firmware at scheduled intervals.PORT VULNERABILITES air 25 Is used for SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). It uses some(prenominal) transmission control protocol and udp protocols. This port used for e-mail routing between mail servers and is susceptible to many known Trojans. We are keeping this port in a closed(a) state. bearing 80 Is used for web traffic Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It uses both tcp and udp protocols. Port 80 udp is also used by somegames, like Alien vs Predator. regulation Red and Nimda worms also propagate via transmission control protocol port 80 (HTTP). Also, a number of trojans/backdoors use these ports. We are keeping this port in a closed state. Port 139 Is used for NetBIOS. NetBIOS is a protocol used for File and Print sacramental m anduction under all current versions of Windows. By disrespect, when File and Print Sharing is enabled it binds to everything, including TCP/IP (The Internet Protocol), rather than just the local network, meaning your shared resources are available over the entire Internet for reading and deletion, unless configured properly.Any machine with NetBIOS enabled and not configured properly should be considered at risk. The best protection is to turn off File and Print Sharing, or block ports 135-139 completely. We will leave this port in an open state but will turn off file and im patsy sharing capabilities. Port 1900 Is used for SSDP, UPnP. UPnP discovery/SSDP, is a service that runs by default on WinXP, and creates an immediately exploitable security vulnerability for any network-connected system. It is vulnerable to denial of service and buffer barrage attacks. Microsoft SSDP Enables discovery of UPnP devices. We are keeping this port in a closed state. Port 2869 Is IANA register ed for ICSLAP. It uses both tcp and udp protocols and is used for Microsoft Internet familiarity Firewall (ICF), Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), SSDP Discover Service, Microsoft Universal Plug and foregather (UPnP), and Microsoft Event Notification. We will leave this port in an open state.Port 5357 Is used by Microsoft Network Discovery, and should be filtered for public networks. It uses both tcp and udp protocols. It is also IANA registered for Web Services for Devices (WSD) a network plug-and-play possess that is similar to installing a USB device. WSD allows network-connected IP-based devices to advertise their functionality and offer these services to clients by using the Web Services protocol. WSD communicates over HTTP (TCP port 5357), HTTPS (TCP port 5358), and multicast to UDP port 3702. We will close this port and redirect traffic to HTTPS (TCP port 5358). Port 6839 This port is not associated with any particular services and should be closed unless it is associa ted and used. Port 7435 This port is not associated with any particular services and should be closed unless it is associated and used. Ports 9100, 9101 and 9102 These TCP ports are is used for imprinting. Port numbers 9101 and 9102 are for parallel ports 2 and 3 on the three-port HP Jetdirect external printservers.It is used for network-connected print devices. These ports should persist in open to allow print services. There are no listed vulnerabilities associated with these ports. Port 9220 This port is for raw scanning to peripherals with IEEE 1284.4 specifications. On three port HP Jetdirects, the scan ports are 9290, 9291, and 9292. It is used for network-connected print devices. This port should remain open to allow print services. There are no listed vulnerabilities associated with this port. Port 9500 TCP Port 9500 may use a be protocol to communicate depending on the application. In our case we are using port 9500 to access the ISM Server.The ISM Server is used for exchanging backup and retrieval information between storage devices. This port should remain open while services are in use. There are no listed vulnerabilities associated with this port. Port 62078 This port is used by iPhone while syncing. The Port used by UPnP for multimedia files sharing, also used for synchronization iTunes files between devices. Port 62078 has a known vulnerability in that a service named lockdownd sits and listens on the iPhone on port 62078. By connecting to this port and speaking the correct protocol, its possible to spawn a number of different services on an iPhone or iPad. This port should be blocked or closed when service is not required on the device.ReferencesBEST Network hostage Policy and Procedures. (n.d.). Retrieved from http// Example Security Plan. (2014, November 17). Retrieved from http// Hardening Network Infrastructure Security Rec ommendations for System Accreditors. (n.d.). Retrieved from https// Network Security Policy best Practices White Paper Cisco. (2005, October 4). Retrieved from http// Paquet, C. (2013, February 5). Security Policies Network Security Concepts and Policies. Retrieved from http// SANS Information Security Resources Information Security Policy Templates .